Thursday, June 28, 2012

health report yada yada yada!

despite my usual lack of sleep, i have been feeling SUPER AMAZING FANTASTICBALLS these days. i've been taking supplements that naturally balance my hormones, improve my immune system and my overall health. it feels like my body is radiating  'FINALLY thank you thank you thank you thank you' by being extremely kind to me. i've noticed my energy levels are much higher and remain steady, my cravings for coffee are diminishing. my mood is much better and any upsetting thought that crosses my mind is easily dismissed, even when i'm angry i haven't stayed angry for very long. along with taking supplements i've been including a healthy variety in my meals so BEWM POW! energy.

i'm very happy with the changes i've been experiencing! now... all that's left is getting more sleep and getting into the habit of exercise....

i'll just leave this picture of my favorite marine animal here in the meantime:

i'm still very concerned about some things. the main thing i worry about is how skinny i am. i don't try to lose weight and i find myself staring at the bones in the mirror. i wasn't this skinny before and this dramatic weight loss doesn't make much sense to me. i'm not watching the scale, i'm not eating things in low-fat (even when i should) and sugar still has it's grip on me. i never miss a meal and have several during the day. i suppose this could be a healthier weight for me? i weighed a bit more when i still ate fast food and never anything rich in nutrients.. but still. i gross myself out. i hear people always commenting on my weight and i feel exposed and ashamed.

definitely something to bring up to my naturopath next time i see her... FAK

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