Saturday, June 23, 2012


i feel a mixture of things: sadness, happiness, excitement, regret. i have always been impatient for high school to be over and now that it is, i wish i had been more active and actually AT school so i had more of a positive high school experience. i let my grudges from what had been done to me in grade eight and nine prevent me from enjoying high school, even now. but, life had worked itself out. i am happy, i am successful, i have distinguished between what is real and what is not.

i did make a few great friends. angelo has been my best friend for years and despite the fact we are not as close as we used to be, he always will be my best friend. there are so many things that have happened and i feel my chest swelling with nostalgia.

so much is going to change and has changed. the familiar, safe walls of high school have fallen away and we are all bare for the harsh reality of the world to see. i can't wait for the high school reunion in the future, to see how everyone has changed and how their lives have progressed. i want to see their babies, their husbands and wives.

i often wonder what my life will be like years from now, but i know i will be happy.

done by christie at east vanity parlor

jacob and i, friends since grade 6.

austin, kayli and i.

friends since grade eight :) 

dessert dessert dessert.


shot of my dress :)
and my hair when the rain didn't have it's way with it...

handsome lindsay and i sitting by the windows on the cruise.
the ladies.
(kayli, helen, jenny, katherine, me, and christina)

a group picture
(kayli, christina, austin, helen, richard, katherine, eric, jenny, angelo and myself)

myself, angelo and jenny.

myself, austin and angelo.

myself and christina.

mom and i!

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