Wednesday, August 29, 2012

recent things in a nutshell.

clearest water.

lately, things have been so positive in my life.

i finally figured out what i wanted to do with my career - and it feels amazing. i know what school i'm going to, how much money i will need to save per month in order to avoid taking out a loan and what i would /ideally/ like to do afterwards. becoming a hollistic nutritionist is going to be an amazing experience in itself.
what truly is amazing about it is that this passion in me was awakened because i had fallen in love with the most wonderful person i will ever know. i wanted to better myself as much as i possibly could and focus on the inside, starting with health. when i started to focus on living a healthy lifestyle, i realized just how much time i spent a day researching as much as i could on my own. i started seeing a naturopath and the things i learned fascinated me. i get stuck in the health section of book stores, unable to decide which one to purchase because i want them all. ultimately, it all started because i wanted to have the healthiest possible body for our children. i wanted to give them as much as i could right from the get-go, i wanted our babies to be happy and healthy and grow up much better than i had.

it's the most amazing thing to have someone affect my entire life that way. old passions were rekindled and new ones were born and i just have so much appreciation and love for him that i can't help but be thankful.


another thing that i am pleased about is reuniting with old friends that i had fallen out of touch with. we have been seeing each other more frequently now and i even spent a day with them at lynn canyon, sitting on sun-warmed rocks and wading through ice cold water. we walked across a very scary bridge but it was just a very relaxing and happy day.

more pics from that day:

sister dipping her hair in the water.

they are addicted to death sticks.

us four. :)

there are lots of other things i am very happy about; my family, becoming a stronger person in general, figuring out financial things, etc. i am learning to stand up for myself now, even towards people i once feared and it feels really amazing. i refuse to take shit from anyone - not even someone i once considered myself being very close to.

a lot of these things are a result of having him in my life. love does amazing things, doesn't it?

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