Thursday, July 19, 2012

i find myself writing posts then stopping half way through because i get lost in them. i realize: this is so negative. this is a bad part of my life, why am i writing about it?

i'm starting posts about my happiness then getting lost in those too. i find no words to describe the amount of bliss that's been flowing through the roots of my body. i am literally soaring and i can see my soul before my very eyes and it is beautiful. it is not dark or burning away at the edges, it is whole. i am truly too happy for words, i can't find the right ones because there are none that are able to accurately describe the amount of  love that is dancing around in my chest, spreading through every limb. i am literally bursting at the seams with it. 

through all the shit life has thrown at me, is throwing at me and will throw at me: it does not matter. why linger on the evils of the world when my energy can be spent jumping and gliding through clouds and dreaming of my beautiful future? when i can put all my efforts into seeing a smile spread across his lips?

i just cannot wait to be ready for what i want most in life.

beautiful work by *inherwake on dA

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