Friday, October 26, 2012

freewriting - brainstorm.

Where was she before all this started? Her hands shakily clutch at her head in a desperate attempt to remember, to hold onto something happy and distract her from the chaos. She was in the arms of her beloved, sipping hot cocoa and not-watching something on the television. A warning flashed on the screen, she looked into his eyes and felt she mirrored the same look of worry that she saw in his. That's the last thing she remembers.

Lowering her hands, she forces herself to look at the surrounding destruction. Violent tornadoes are crushing the city of New York. Towering pillars of wind and debris crush the stone-hard cement as if they are eggshells, tall buildings crumble mercilessly on top of fleeing people, glass sprinkling everywhere. Water overflows from the sewers and floods the streets, a sea of foul waste and flailing carcasses. Alestia watches alone atop a building, her body racking with wild, panicked sobs. Her shirt is soaked with vomit and her entire body smells of pure fear. Her hands are clasped together in prayer, muttering incoherently into them. She makes the mistake of opening her eyes as a tornado consumes another building, stripping it layer by layer until it is nothing.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Her eyes are wide with fear as it begins to approach her, she has nowhere to run. As it edges closer and closer to her, she feels the winds pull and the rooftop rattling beneath her feet. Her hair whips around her face, violently dancing towards the massive air cyclone...

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